Fr. Paul Trinchard was ordained a Jesuit priest on June 7, 1966 by Archbishop Philip M. Hanna in the Archdiocese of New Orleans. He had already graduated from Loyola University with a degree in physics and had been working in the aerospace industry when he answer his call to the priesthood. Thus began his introduction and indoctrination into Rogerianism and liberalism, leading him to become a Novus Ordo priest.
Despite his Latin Rite ordination to “say Mass for the living and the dead” and to “forgive sins,” Father Trinchard explains that neither he nor his classmates were taught, nor practiced the sacred rituals for celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Latin Mass. Despite the fact that the current Church law specified that it was forbidden; and a cause for serious mortal sin on the part of the priest to change any wording of the Mass: the disobedient reigned and the unfaithful took control.
Under Pope St. Pius V and the Council of Trent, the Canonized law was established that only the rites of Holy Mass in existence since the time of Christ and His Apostles were the only valid rites of the Catholic Church. Because heretics attacked Holy Mass, the Sacred Heart of the Church, it was bindingly promulgated by Pope Pius V and Trent that the Mass was to remain unchanged in perpetuity. Thus, the Mass was canonized into Church Law and is to be called the Canonized Mass–not the Tridentine Mass, since Trent did not “invent” the Mass, merely upheld that which was “the Mass from Christ and His Apostles.”
If the Church is to be indefectible as promised by Christ; and if the Pope is to be infallible, then each pope must govern according to the Deposit of Faith and each pope, therefore, is bound to follow his predecessor in office. There is no allowance for improvisation. No pop is the boss. In essentials, no pope gets his own way. Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Christ is the Boss.
For example, Pope Leo XIII explained that he was petitioned to add St. Joseph to the Canon of the Mass, but refused, saying he did not have the power nor authority to do so, choosing instead to honor St. Joseph by naming him Protector of the Church, as he was Protector of Christ and Mary.
Modernists not only failed to uphold Church canonized law regarding the Mass; despite the unchangeable essence of the Mass, but perverted the words into alien and even opposite meanings, such as “immaculatam hostiam,” meaning “Immaculate Victim, Christ,” became “spotless host,” a piece of bread. After more than fifty years of diminishing church attendance and a world full of people who “used to be Catholic,” where is the faithful who acknowledge these sins? Where is the reparation? Where is the reform?
Fr. Paul Trinchard is the priest for our times. He is a teacher. His teaching is the result of thirty-seven years of studying and praying the Canonized Mass in his own chapel. He teaches Christ’s Divine Liturgy and sacraments, which are necessary for our salvation. He shows that the revolutionary heretics found their success. Fr. Trinchard explains the necessity for Christ’s true Divine Liturgy; the reasons why the prayers are never to be changed; and the true meanings of the Latin words. Pray the Rosary. Read his books. Compare; and see for yourself.